Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 305 {Reverb11} Persevere

Prompt#16 ~ Persevere.

Describe something that disappointed you in 2011 and how you persevered.

Persevere was my word for 2010 – it was definitely a year of struggling in many ways.  This year, I have to say was a great year.  I’m sure there were things that disappointed me, but nothing compared to the prior year.  I truly feel like this year fit my word for the year 2011 - EMERGE.  I tried new things, explored new creative outlets and tried to create wonderful memories. 

I did end a relationship that was going no where in the beginning of the year which disappointed me, but I knew I had been through a lot harder challenges and all would be fine.  Then I started a new relationship.  I lost a dear friend, Karen,  to cancer very, very suddenly.  It was heartbreaking, but I tried to take with me her outlook on life and the joy she spread to others as an inspiration.

In 2012, my word is relish and I’m looking forward to delighting in all that is to come.

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love, love, love to hear from you...thanks for taking the time! :-)