Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 352 ~ Wishcasting

Wishcasting on a Thursday this week!  Jamie's question...
What do you wish people knew about you?
First, that I am not as quiet as I may initially seem to be.  I am a bit reserved so I think some people are reluctant to come up to me thinking I wouldn't talk to them.  Just the contrary, I love a good conversation and interesting people of all kinds!  I enjoy can learn a lot by listening.

My friends definitely know the real me.  I am very open once I know someone and feel can trust them.  I genuinely care about what others have to say.  I truly am a genuine person and try to live with my heart.  I aspire to surround myself with other genuine and positive people.

I practice gratitude for my life ~ the big & small things ~ and look for the beauty in each day, which I why I started this blog.  Beginning my 365 project last year on Valentine's Day has made a huge difference in my life. I feel noticing the beauty of each day has drawn more beautiful & wonderful things into my life.  I have noticed how when I point out the beautiful things I love to others, they begin to take notice themselves & begin pointing them out to me....this warms my heart!!

To sum it all up...
I wish people knew how much love I have to share!  

What do you wish people knew about you?  WISH HERE

As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!  xx


  1. Hi Sam,
    I agree gratefulness is important. However, it gets so easily drown in the negativity. I struggle with that one. I love your blog and what you share with us. Thanks for doing that.
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too.
    Cheers from Bordeaux, FR

  2. What an awesome wish! As you wish for yourself, so I also wish for you.

  3. Cool project and sweet wish.
    As Sam wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  4. Love this Sam, so touching. As YOU wish foryourself, so I also wish for YOU xx This is my first week to participate, thanks for the link!


love, love, love to hear from you...thanks for taking the time! :-)