Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 299 {Reverb11} Create

Prompt#10 ~ Create.

Share a creative project you undertook this year (art, writing, DIY, cooking, home decoration, crafts, photography … whatever comes to mind). How do you use your creativity to express yourself?

This year, I stumbled across a workshop that literally Changed. My. Life.  I discovered self portraiture from a wonderful & inspiring woman, Vivivenne McMaster…and her workshop called Wading In!  It amazed me how ONE thing can make such a dramatic shift in your life.  I began looking at myself, both inside & out, more lovingly and realized I’m just perfect as just ME. 

After becoming hooked on photography, I started adding all these quotes that I have saved over the years to my photos.  It just seemed to give them more meaning!  Then I even dug out some of my poetry and added it to some photos.  This was so inspiring as I have always wanted to do something creative with my poetry.  It even made me pick up my pencil again and try writing, which I haven’t done in quite some time.

I didn’t get in as much painting as I would have like to in 2011, but photography kinda of took over my life!  :-)  In 2012, I would loooooooooove to figure out a way to combine my photography & painting.  C’mon muse…show me the way!!!

{Gratitude} Day 15 ~ My Muse
My photography & my poem.

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love, love, love to hear from you...thanks for taking the time! :-)