Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wishcasting Wednesday

Today's questions for Wishcasting Wednesday is...
What do you wish to immerse yourself in?
I have been on a path where I have learned that I don't need to be this "perfect" person ~ I'm perfect by just being ME (ergo the title of my blog :).  I have found the more I have immersed myself in things I love ~ the more I have grown to love me.  The more I appreciate all the beauty that surrounds me each & every day ~ the more I notice the beauty.  It seems there has been this person bottled up inside waiting for me to let her shine.  I have found such great pleasure connecting with like minded souls (as you all reading this!!) and exploring different forms of creativity.  I wish to continue on this path of exposing my true self to the world!

I wish to immerse myself inward letting my true self shine!

Don't be...

What do you wish to immerse yourself in?  WISH HERE

As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!!


  1. How wonderful to immerse yourself inward to your true self. May you shine!

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  2. Sam your words are beautifully put. As you wish for your immersement I too wish for you.

  3. This was a beautiful post. Several weeks ago I wrote about being perfectly imperfect. It is so important to get to know our true self and then to let it shine. As you wish for yourself,I wish for you as well.

  4. I thought the same of myself that I had to be perfect because everyone else in my family was normal . They all had " REAL" jobs like working for the city , now heres whats funny , none of them have a degree but I did , but my work never counted because I was a costumer for films , I made alot more money than them , but because my occupation wasn't " NORMAL" it wasn't exceptable, my mother was always embarassed or ashamed . I chose to be who I wanted to be ! I am an artist , I love that I am , Iam perfect just the way I am , it makes me happy!

    You do the same too! I mean honestly , nobody's perfect , we all know that,but be confident in yourself , stand by you! : ) YOur an awesome person!

    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.


love, love, love to hear from you...thanks for taking the time! :-)