Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 92 ~ Purpose of Art

I had such an amazing time in Vivienne McMaster's Wading In e-course...just fabulous!  She provided the inspiration to delve further into exploring ourselves and our creative expression.  She prompted us to notice our thoughts, everyday things we love and what inspires us then share it in picture form.  I felt a nudging to take this course and almost ignored it - almost - just think what I would have missed!

It was inspiring to see the photographs taken by the others in the course spanning all over the world.  We were offered glimpses into each others' lives, loves and thoughts. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share in these wonderful people's lives.  It pushed me to think "out of the box" and expand my creativity!

This is a photo I created from two photographs I took and layered - then adding an art quote I love...

Purpose of Art

This is just the beginning of my journey in this art medium - exploring and combining my inner & outer worlds. This is just the beginning of finding my voice...

Thanks, Vivienne...and my fellow Wading In explorers - YOU ROCK!

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love, love, love to hear from you...thanks for taking the time! :-)