Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 13...Art Every Day Month

I have decided to start working on the book "Mess" by Keri Smith. I feel like I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself to create something each day with the Art Every Day Month Challenge. These creativity assignment in the book are short & sweet, so I won't feel like I'm overwhelmed.

"Contemplating and actively participating in imperfection occasions where we open to failure) brings to us a freedom because it allows us to relax and enjoy the ebb and flow of life. Life does not always bring to us things that are “tidy”. There is beauty to be found in the mess."

I am finding it very challenging to make the time each day to create something (and updating this blog too) - maybe I should re-think my idea of creativity. Does it have to be creating a piece of art? Or can it be living with awareness...noticing the small things?

This book is all about creating and letting it be imperfect...and finding the beauty in it!

Here's to my first MESS...

Link to Keri Smith's website:

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love, love, love to hear from you...thanks for taking the time! :-)